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Deus Ex - Extraction Guides (Master Post)

Deus Ex (2000) Extract Audio Extract Textures & Models Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (2002) Extract Video Deus Ex: Invisible War (2003) Extrac...

Friday 17 March 2023

Deus Ex - Extract Audio

Note: All tools used are linked at the bottom of the post.

Extract audio using DragonUnPACKer

  1. Open DragonUnPACKer > File > Open > navigate to Deus Ex installation location > select .u file you wish to browse, i.e. DeusExConAudioMission00.u to view the conversational audio for the training mission, or DeusExCharacters.u to view models and textures
  2. Select Deus Ex or Deus Ex: Invisible War (if you’re extracting from that game instead, the same process applies)
  3. Select items within the file browser you wish to extract (CTRL + click to select multiple, Shift + click to select a group) > Right-click the selected files > Extract files to… > Without conversion > browse for destination folder > OK
  4. The selected audio is extracted as .wav files to the specified destination and can be played immediately
Below is a table showing what conversational audio can be found within each of the ConAudio packages:


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