Monday, 27 March 2023

Deus Ex: Invisible War - Extract Video

Note: All tools used are linked at the bottom of the post.

  1. Locate the video files. They should be .bik files within the VideoTextures folder. For the Steam version of the game, they can be found in this directory:

    Steam\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Deus Ex Invisible War\content\DX2\VideoTextures

  2.  The .bik files can already be played with RAD Video Tools (Bink Video Player). You can convert these files into .mp4 files using the same software. To do this, open RAD Video Tools and navigate to the .bik file, select it and click the Convert a file button in the tools section
  3. In the converter window, select .mp4 as the output format, and make sure Convert Video and Convert Audio are checked. 
    Note: .bik files come up a few times in my guides for extracting video from other Deus Ex games, and in those circumstances I had avoided converting the audio this way. This is because those .bik files normally have multiple audio channels and the ones that play in the converted video may have some missing. In those situations, I split the audio channels using a different tool and mix them down into the resulting video. As the Invisible War videos seem to just have one audio channel, this is unnecessary, so it's fine to just check the Convert Audio box - you do not need to worry about losing any of the audio tracks.
  4. Click Convert and a window should appear showing the progress of the conversion
  5. When complete, the folder with the .bik file in it should now have an .mp4 file with the same filename, and can be played with a normal video player
View the result on YouTube:


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