Note: All tools used are linked at the bottom of the post.
Convert audio using SoX (Sound eXchange)
- Install SoX before starting
- All audio files can be found (for the Steam installation for the game) in the following directory:
Steam\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Deus Ex The Fall\DeusEx_steam_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows
- The audio is contained in the .wem files
Create a .bat file matching the following command, but pointing to your extraction location of SoX - sox.exe
cd %~dp0
mkdir converted
FOR %%A IN (*.wem) DO "...\sox.exe" -t raw -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 -r 44100 %%A "converted/%%~nA.wav"
Save the .bat file in the directory of the .wem files you want to convert and run it
A command prompt window will appear showing the progress
The .wem files are converted into .wav files, and can be found in a folder named “converted” in the directory of the .wem files
Note: In the .bat file command -b is Bitrate and -c is Channels and -r is Sample Rate. If these are not set correctly, the converted files can come out very strangely, such as being distorted, sped up or slowed down. Setting -c to 1 (one channel - Mono; setting it to 2 makes 2 channels - Stereo) fixes this issue for the most part, but there are a few that remain. In such an event, problem files can be opened with Audacity with the File > Import > Raw Data… function and playing around with the different settings and then this can be exported manually to .wav:

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