Thursday, 18 May 2023

Deus Ex: Invisible War - Extract Audio

Note: All tools used are linked at the bottom of the post.

  1. Download and install Deus Ex Invisible War Sound Drone
  2. Run the application - it should automatically detect your game installation and you should be greeted with a window and a list of audio files
  3. Unlike a lot of audio extractors, this one also accesses the subtitle files (for conversational audio). If you resize the subtitle column to enlarge it you can view the full text of the audio
  4. You can also play them by right-clicking and selecting Play from the drop down menu
  5. As the list is very long (nearly 40,000 files!), and there is no text search option. To help narrow down the search of specific audio files, check the Tags tab which showed how the audio is organised in a hierarchical tree. For example, for conversational audio for a specific character like Nicolette DuClare, you can check for them under the voice category
  6. After finding the relevant tags for what you need, go back to the Sounds tab and right-click the content list and select Filter from the dropdown menu
  7. A new window should pop up where you can search for and apply the tags using two drop-down lists
  8. Just selecting the tags might still generate a very long list with some irrelevant files, to circumvent this, you can play around with deselecting Show Mission Sounds, and Show Missing Files, as well as selecting audio from specific missions with the tick boxes
  9. The list should update with files that match the tags you added to the filter, for this example, I selected the voice tag and projectdirector subtag, and as you can see all the names have "projectdirector" included in the name
  10. To extract the audio files, right-click the file you want and select Extract from the drop-down menu. You can also select multiple from the list using Shift or CTRL click and extract all of the selected files. A confirmation window will appear once the files are done extracting too
  11. You will probably notice it did not ask you for an extraction destination, that is because the files automatically extract to the installation location of DXIW Sound Drone (or AppData, see second screenshot for path). Navigate there to find your extracted files
